Automation winter school in Swellendam!

Swellendam – A Automation Winter School for 29 Grade 11 and 12 learners of the two high schools in Swellendam, was presented this week at PDC. The initiative was born in Automation Works learners like to help them make career choices. Young people easily remember these days as they would one day want to be. The challenges in career choices only become more difficult.

The group of young people at ten demo stations’ practical experience gained in working with computers, buttons, threads tying, activate cylinders, working with software applications, and cycle modules themselves plan, build, program and saw work. At Swellenmark Mall is a mobile mechatronic laboratory where the children on the latest technology Festo is treated. The young people got the week incredible exposure to topics such as “bio medics, control systems, megatronics, bionics and instrumentation in Automation”. They learned of bread factories, milk factories, cheese factories, grain factories, soap and juice factories and how the process of automation, the basic daily use products on our tables and eases into our homes.

Thursday afternoon, July 9 from 13:00 to 17:00, there was an Open Day offered to the public at the Festo truck as well as other automation and Agriculture exhibitors in the Mall Ondedakparkeer Area. All the schools in the Overberg region were invited to the exhibition. Exhibitors such as the University of Stellenbosch and Pcut’s Engineers Faculties and Student Recruitment Office, and the Psychology Faculty of Stellenbosch Occupational Psychologists and Automation providers such as: Festo, Siemens, Wika and RFID were present.

This was a first “pilot” effort of a group of business people who have chosen to make a difference in young people’s lives. Let us follow their example and help the young people around us to one day make a meaningful choice about their professions. Remember how you made ​​your choice for a career?


Automation winter skool in Swellendam!


Swellendam – ‘n Automation Winter Skool vir 29 Graad 11 & 12 Leerders van die twee Hoërskole in Swellendam, was dié week aangebied by SSK. Die inisiatief is gebore by Automation Works wat leerders graag wou help met hulle maak van beroepskeuses. Jongmense weet deesdae nie meer so maklik wat hulle graag eendag sal wil word nie. Die uitdagings in beroepskeuses raak net al moeiliker.

Die groep jongmense het by tien ‘demo stasies’ praktiese blootstelling gekry aan werk met rekenaars, knoppies druk, draadjies vasmaak, silinders aktiveer, werk met sagteware programme, en siklus modules wat hulle self beplan, bou, programmeer en dan sien werk het. By Swellenmark Mall staan ‘n mobiele megatroniese laboratorium waar die kinders op die nuutste Festo tegnologie getrakteer is. Die jongmense het die week ongelooflike blootstelling gekry aan onderwerpe soos: “bio medics, beheerstelsels, megatronics, bionics en instrumentasie in Automation”. Hulle het geleer van brood fabrieke, melk fabrieke, kaas fabrieke, graan fabrieke, seep en sap fabrieke en hoe die proses van automatisering, dié basiese daaglikse gebruiksprodukte op ons tafels en in ons huise vergemaklik.

Donderdag middag, 9 Julie vanaf 13:00 tot 17:00 was daar ‘n Opedag vir die publiek by die Festo trok asook by ander Automation en Landbou uitstallers in die Mall se Ondedakparkeer Area aangebied. Al die skole in die Overberg Streek was genooi na die uitstalling. Uitstallers soos: die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en PCUT se Ingeneurs Fakulteite en Studente Werwings Buro, asook die Sielkunde Fakulteit van Stellenbosch se Beroepsielkundiges, asook Automation verskaffers soos: Festo, Siemens, Wika en RFID was teenwoordig.

Hierdie was ‘n eerste ‘pilot’ poging van ‘n groepie sakemense wat gekies het om ‘n verskil te maak in jongmense se lewe. Kom ons volg hulle voorbeeld en help die jongmense rondom ons om eendag ‘n sinvolle keuse oor hulle beroepe te kan maak. Onthou jy nog hoe jy jou keuse oor ‘n beroep gemaak het?