During the July vacation (11 July-15 July 2016) Automation Works hosted yet another successful Technology Winterschool. 40 Grade 11/12 learners from Swellendam High and Swellendam Secondary attended. The Winterschool was held at the SSK lecture hall as well as the Carlton Mall.
The learners were exposed at different practical workstations to modern automation technology. They built their own robots that they controlled with cellphones, assembled power points, and worked with electrical wiring. They also programmed the Siemens Logo, did SCADA drawings and learned of different types of instruments used for temperature control. At the Festo laboratory they were exposed to mechatronic equipment that picks up, moves and sorts products by a constant speed. They were also taught about the air pressure that makes Festo silinder move with the help of electronic control.
Institutions such as the University of Stellenbosch and CPUT’s mechatronic engineering departments, Cape Town School of Engineering, Techno Smart and the Cape Town Sign Centre were involved. Dr. Joe Combring (Head of technical curriculum, Department of Education, Western Cape) approved of the Winter school and was also involved. We are very thankful for our providers: Festo, Siemens, Wika and Vega. They provided donations and equipment.
A big thanks to the various community leaders in Swellendam that came to share their life story with the learners. It contributed greatly to the worth of the week and enriched the lives of all who attended.
Thank you to the following sponsors:
SSK (Use of lecture hall and financial assistance)
Riaan Turck and Pam Golding (Use of Carlton Mall)
STEEP (Financial Assistance)
District Municipalities (Financial Assistance)
Invasset (Financial Assistance)
Checkers (Apples and Oranges)
Suiderpak Warehouse (Oranges)
Wimpy, Pizza World, Midas and the Game Shop for gift vouchers and other practical prizes.
Thank you as well to Wynand Kotzé and the Automation Works Team for your passion and hard work on this project. Learners interested in a technological career are welcome to contact Automation Works: 028 514 2587 (Business hours)
Johan Reyneke (Technology Winterschool Program Leader) – Sel: 0726306226
Gedurende die Julievakansie: (11 Julie – 15 Julie 16) het Automation Works weer ‘n suksesvolle Tegnologie Winterskool vir 40 x Graad 11/12 leerders van die twee hoërskole in Swellendam aangebied by SSK se Lesingsaal asook in die Carlton Mall. Die leerders was by verskillende praktiese werkstasies blootgestel aan moderne automatiserings tegnologie. Hulle kon self robotte bou en met hulle selfone beheer, kragpunte aan mekaar sit en werk met elektriese bedrading, programmering van Siemens Logo’s doen, SCADA tekeninge doen en het geleer van verskillende soorte instrumentasie vir temperatuur beheer. By die Festo laboratorium is hulle blootgestel aan megatroniese toerusting wat produkte optel en verskuif en sorteer teen spoedbeheer per rekenaar. Hulle het ook geleer van lugdruk wat die Festo silinders laat beweeg het met behulp van elektroniese beheer.
Instansies soos die Universiteit van Stellenbosch en CPUT se megatroniese Ingenieurs departemente, Cape Town School of Engineering (CTSE) en die Cape Town Sign Centre (CTSC) en Techno Smart was by die week betrokke. Dr. Joe Combrink (Hoof: Tegniese Curriculum: Departement van Onderwys in die Wes Kaap) was ook betrokke. Ons is ook dankbaar vir die steun deur ons verskaffers soos Festo, Siemens, Wika en Vega wat met toerusting en donasies gehelp het.
Dankie ook aan verskeie gemeenskapsleiers in Swellendam wat hulle lewensstorie met die kinders kom deel het. Dit het groot waarde aan die week gegee en beslis ons almal se lewens verryk. Dankie aan die volgende donateurs: SSK vir julle Saal se gebruik en finansiele bydrae, Riaan Turck en Pam Golding vir die gebruik van die Carlton Mall, STEEP vir jul finansiele bydrae, Distrik Munisipaliteite vir julle finasiele bydrae, Invasset vir julle finansiele bydrae, Checkers vir die appels en lemoene en Suiderpak Pakhuis vir die lemoene. Dankie ook aan Wimpy, Pizza World, Midas en die Game Shop se geskenkbewyse en ander praktiese pryse.
As hierdie Tegnologie Week net een leerder kon help om ‘n beter loopbaankeuse te kan maak en om meer positief te wees oor hulle skoolwerk, dan is dit alles beslis die moeite werd!
Dankie ook aan Wynand Kotzé en die Automation Works Span vir julle passie en harde werk aan die mooi projek in belang van ons omgewing se jongmense!
Leerders wat belang stel in ‘n tegnologie loopbaan kan kontak maak met Automation Works se kantoor: 028 – 514 2587 (kantoor ure).
Johan Reyneke (Programleier Tegnologie Winterskool) – Sel: 0726306226